Looking for help?

Here are the answers to many of the questions we know you’ll have. Keep on eye on this page because we frequently update it as we more feedback from our users.

Q1. Is there a free trial available of each sourceit product?

A. You bet! We have three different products to choose from. Our RFQ app is a SaaS based app that you can sign up and conduct an online free trial. Our market and catalog products are fully feature platforms and you can access our sandbox site for a 14-day free trial. Check out our pricing page to get started on your free trial.

Q2. Can I provide feedback during the free trial period?

A. We want your honest feedback, tell us what you think, how you want to see sourceit improved and what features will keep you with us.

Q3. Will there be any updates to sourceit during the free trial period?

A. Like all software, it’s a work in progress. Our dev team work on a two-week agile development cycle meaning we’ll be pushing out new features and on a regular basis. Why not get involved and influence what features and improvements we make by providing us feedback.

Q4. Will I be kept up to date on new features?

A. We want you to love sourceit, so we’ll be making sure we keep you updated on anything new and what improvements we’ve made through our regular Release Notes emails.

Q5. What happens when the free trial period ends?

A. Before the free trial ends you’ll be given the chance to sign up for a paid subscription to any of our sourceit products, don’t worry we’ll be in contact.

Q6. How will sourceit be priced?

A. Just the app, our RFQ app is priced simply, you only pay $2.00 per RFQ you create and send to your suppliers. Our market and catalog products are fully featured platforms and pricing is based on user numbers, we’d be happy to provide you detailed pricing options based on your specific needs.

Q7. How are sourceit products billed?

A. Billing can vary depending on whether you’re working directly with sourceit or with one of our partners.  In general, we always charge the license holder via credit card each month.

Q8. Will I be able to make changes to my subscription?

A. You will be able to make changes to your subscription at any time through your own Customer Account Portal. We use Chargebee to manage our subscriptions and Stripe as our payment gateway, so your details are safe and secure.

Q9. If I stop using sourceit, what happens to my data?

A. We’re confident we’ll keep you happy after you subscribe, but if you decide to end the relationship that’s okay.  We’ll hold your data for a short period of time and then delete all files, user and supplier details.

Q10. Is my data safe?

A. All sourceit products are cloud-based and we host with Microsoft Azure. Your data is fully protected with bank-level security and we back up all data every few hours. All sourceit products are GDPR compliant.

Q11. Do my suppliers need to login into sourceit?

A. For those using our RFQ app there is not need for suppliers to sign in, they receive an email with token to allow them to submit a bid to your quote. For suppliers accessing the market or catalog platforms, they are provided a user name and password to log into.

Q12. Do you charge my suppliers a fee to access sourceit?

A. No. Unlike other applications, there is NO fee charged to your suppliers to access any of the sourceit products.

Q13. Do I need to load my suppliers into sourceit?

A. Yes, because they are your preferred suppliers you need to load them into sourceit, we or implementing partner will discuss this with you as part of the on-boarding process.

Q14. Can you provide assistance to implement our organization onto your market and catalog products?

A. Yes, we have great partners that work closely with all our clients to help them get on-boarded quickly and getting the best out of our applications quickly. We’ll make sure you’re put in contact with the right on-boarding partner for you.